
Today's universities need to be aware of the need for an online environment. More and more people are looking for the necessary goods and services online. It is important to have a website to follow trends and be interesting to potential students. 你可以在你的网站上发布所有需要的信息. If you need to draw visitors' attention to a specific product or service, 那么登陆页就是最好的选择. Landing page - has all the qualities that will increase conversions and traffic to your page.

Features You Get with Academic Portal 登陆页面模板

Google maps. 告诉你的学生哪里可以找到这所大学. 

搜索引擎友好. We want to make your University Landing Page recognizable. Be sure that you will be at the TOP of search queries if you take all necessary steps.

Retina ready. Apple users with a retina screen can see the images in the best quality.

移动友好. Teenagers use mobile phones and watches more often than others. It will be much easier for them to use a page adapted for their mobile devices.

Parallax. To attract students, you need to add interesting animation. For example, this feature will help you add photos in volume.

惰性加载效果. When you have a lot of photos, it is important not to overload your page. Using this feature will increase the page load speed and reduce the load on the server.

Dropdown menu. 它是一个菜单,当你点击它时,你可以展开它.


Universities and higher educational institutions do their best to have more students every year. 高等教育机构, which provides all information about the areas of its activity, shows its competitiveness and allows applicants to more accurately and correctly solve the issue of admission to the university. Information openness helps build people's trust in an educational institution and will enable them to become familiar with the work of this university. 在入学之前, applicants can get acquainted with the faculties and directions educational institutions can provide them. The University landing page is also a necessary resource that allows you to simplify the organization of the university's work. The landing page can help attract partners and organize cooperation between them, which will increase the status and relevance of the educational institution.


Choosing a suitable design for a university landing page is very important. 所以我们准备了一些建议. 选择合适的配色方案非常重要. 大学最好选择淡定的颜色. 蓝色、棕色和绿色最适合它. They add status, increase trust and focus on important information. Add photos. 大学的图片,办公室,大厅. You can show the learning process, pictures of teachers and students. Such photos make visitors want to study at your institution. 方便导航. The user must quickly find information about the university, 找到想要的专业, 考试列表, etc.


Why is it necessary for University 登陆页面模板 to have a responsive design?

All current landing pages are trying to get more people's attention. 为此,我们让所有模板都响应. 响应式设计使您的页面适应任何设备. It is very important because most people use computers and phones, laptops, and tablets. Therefore, to get their attention, you should make the page convenient and clear.

Is my University 登陆页面模板 搜索引擎友好?

Of course, our developers have tried and made all our templates SEO-friendly. The importance of this feature is that it will allow your page to be seen by as many people as possible, 这会增加交通流量. If you are among the first three inquiries, people will learn more about your university.

Which features can I get for my University 登陆页面模板?

我们对我们的模板感到非常自豪. 它们是多功能的,有很大的设计变化. 有一些好处:HTML加JS, HTML 5, JQuery, Bootstrap, Premium, Pro, 响应设计, Moto SMC Landing Builder, 惰性加载效应, Google maps, Google fonts, 搜索引擎友好, mobile-ready, Parallax.

How can I add photos for my University 登陆页面模板?

If you choose the HTML template, you can do all changes using coding. 你可以编辑照片、视频和文字. If it is MotoCMS, you can change the blocks using the admin panel.

How to Create a Academic Portal Landing Page That Converts - Tips by Templateog体育首页

观看有关最热门趋势的有用视频 & 创建学术登陆页的技巧. Build a converting University landing page with our guide. It's perfect for universities, higher educational institutions one-page websites.